Under blustery and rainy conditions on Tuesday September 7 1979, Marabella Senior Comprehensive School which is now Marabella North Secondary School, commenced operations as a co-ed institution. The intake was one thousand and thirty-six students (male and female) entering Form Four classes. The Administration included Mr. Wesley Ramjattan, newly appointed Principal and Mr. Manzur Baksh, Vice Principal. At the end of the first academic year, the teaching staff which initially numbered twenty-seven had grown to seventy-six while the initial ancillary staff consisted of twenty-seven members.
Today, the school has six streams, Forms 1 to 6, as well as a Technical/Vocational component for Forms 4 and 5. The school has several technical /vocational shops, such as welding, electrical and motor vehicle engine systems, and has added new music, dance and drama rooms.